The 2nd University Cardiology Clinic - ICU, G.N.Th. Hippocrates organizes the Two-Day Conference on "Hippocratic Days of Cardiology" on June 3-4, 2022, at the Electra Palace Hotel, in Thessaloniki.
The Hippocratic Days are organized again this year on June 3 and 4, 2022 at the Electra Palace Hotel in Thessaloniki.
Due to the pandemic, the two-day event will be hybrid with the ability to watch either from the venue or from the internet.
This fact, I believe, does not in any way degrade the quality and importance of the two-day event. On the contrary, it can be considered that it has positive aspects as it facilitates the access to more interested parties who can attend it with the comfort of their personal space outside Thessaloniki.
The topics of the two-day conference are, as always, focused on the daily clinical practice aimed at the clinical cardiologist, the new colleague, and the cardiologist.
There are also established clinical tutorials for young, and not only, cardiologists that include a presentation of interesting clinical cases that cover almost the entire spectrum of modern clinical cardiology.
Finally, there is a series of lectures by reputable speakers and foreign speakers that cover current issues of concern to the cardiology community in the daily clinical practice.
This conference is the 10th conference organized by our Clinic. It has, therefore, an anniversary character as it closes a first period of educational activity of the Clinic and is connected with the departure of the current Director. For this reason, I would like this conference to have a social dimension. Unfortunately, the pandemic ruled out any such event. I hope this activity will continue and improve from the new management that will succeed us.
With these thoughts I invite you to actively participate in the two-day conference of our Clinic.
Ioannis Kanonidis
Professor of Cardiology
Director of the 2nd Cardiology Clinic of AUTh