
26 - 29 March 2025

1st European Congress of Laboratory Medicine / Medical Biopathology

1st European Congress of Laboratory Medicine / Medical Biopathology

Visit the Congress's Site for more Information: 1st European Congress of Laboratory Medicine / Medical Biopathology

We are happy to announce that the 1st European Congress of Laboratory Medicine / Medical Biopathology will take place in Athens in 26-29 March 2025, hosted by the UEMS Section of Laboratory Medicine/Medical Biopathology, the Hellenic Society of Medical Biopathology / Laboratory Medicine, and the Panhellenic Union of Medical Biopathology!

With the goal of making the congress an institutional event for the medical community going forward, the οrganisation of the first European Congress of Laboratory Medicine is a historic milestone for Greece and the specialty of Laboratory Medicine / Medical Biopathology.

We believe that it will be a unique opportunity to bring together laboratory doctors across Europe.

Visit the Congress's Site for more Information: 1st European Congress of Laboratory Medicine / Medical Biopathology