Dear Colleagues,
It gives me enormous pleasure to heartily welcome Greek and International Colleagues to this new series of Virtual Ocular Oncology Course, named Ocular Oncology Happy Hour, which will start on the 7th of May 2022 and they will be repeated four (4) times during the year.
The virtual Ocular Oncology Happy Hour, under the Auspices of the Hellenic College of Ophthalmology, will include two Ocular Oncology Sessions (Masterclass on Ocular Oncology and Ocular Oncology Case Club), combined with a session on another Subspeciality of Ophthalmology (Teaching Session Club).
The aim of these webinars is to gather International Experts in Ocular Oncology and other Subspecialties, so as to facilitate the exchange of ideas and knowledge, creating an exciting mix of Learning, Content Sharing and Networking.
The Ocular Oncology Happy Hour is marked with 4 credits of Continuing Medical Education/Continuing Professional Development (CME/CPD) for Each Episode, by the Panhellenic Medical Association and the Registration is Free.
In this 1st episode, the topic of the Masterclass on Ocular Oncology, will be on the Intraocular Tumors of the Adults and the topic of the Teaching Session Club on the Field of Vitreoretinal Diseases, with very well respected faculty.
I am very much look forward to welcoming you to this series of Ocular Oncology Happy Hour, and hope that your participation will be Educational, Informative and Enjoyable!
With Kindest Regards
Maria Pefkianaki
Head Ocular Oncology Center
Adult & Pediatric
Head Ocular Oncology Department
Omma Eye Institute
Athens, Greece